MenuSano is the best way to generate nutrition fact labels to be used throughout the UK and meet compliance by the Foods Standards Agency (FSA), Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA), Welsh Government, and Food Standards Scotland (FSS).

Our Trusted McCance And Widdowson's Composition of foods integrated dataset (CoFID) Database
When you add ingredients into MenuSano you are using the CoFID UK ingredient database that contains up-to-date information on new farming, manufacturing, and fortification practices as well as reformulations of popular food items to comply with government public health initiatives in lowering sugar, fat and salt content.
The CoFID ingredient database is published by Public Health England.

Nutrition Fact Label Requirements
Mandatory Label Information
Presentation of Nutrition Information
Calculation of Nutrient Values
Some of our United Kingdom Clients

One Nutrition Fact Label for all the United Kingdom Territories
The Nutrition Fact Labels generated by MenuSano for the United Kingdom can be used throughout all territories including, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, and England.
The different regulatory agencies for each territory maintain a standard nutrition label format.

Natasha's Law Compliant Allergen Labels
In October 2021 the UK Food Information Ammendment will be coming into effect. The Ammendment, also known as Natasha’s Law, will require food businesses to provide full ingredient lists and allergen labelling on prepacked foods.
Start providing this vital information today with MenuSano. Nutrition Labels created with us are fully compliant with Natasha’s Law and ready for printing.